A strange year in many respects including the crops in the garden. The hot weather meant we were unable to water some of the areas in the garden as the stored rain water ran out. We tend to limit watering to greenhouses and raised beds and hope that the rest cope ok. Unfortunately the onions failed because we did not manage to water them enough. But the potatoes were huge so they had been able to take advantage of the moisture in the soil from the wet winter.
A few new crops were grown this year, Luffa, which failed to produce any fruits but more success with edamame beans and watermelon (delicious)
Needless to say overall we were not short of a harvest and as you can see from the chart we had plenty for us and our family with lots of excess along with plants I had propagated to sell for charity.
We raised over £700. We donated this money to; Tysoe Dementia friends and Pam Britton Trust for Dementia, ECO work-shop Stratford (for adults with learning disabilities and autism),NGS (National Garden Scheme, medical charities), MIND(mental health charity), Garden Organic digital library, RNIB (Royal National Institute of blind people), NCDS(National Children’s deaf society),