Where to store seeds? Over the years they have been in numerous containers, plastic boxes etc but we do have rather a lot of seeds and could never find the one wanted!
Storing in the house was not an option, no space and too hot some of the time.
In the shed was the only option but we had problems with mice eating the seeds.
For the last five years the seeds have been stored in the storage shed in an old broken freezer, in boxes in one of the drawers, almost alphabetically!
During that time we have been searching for an old metal set of drawers the right size for seed packets.
Last week were found some, on ebay and with the help of our son who knows how to bid on ebay we were successful.
Once cleaned up we were able to fill the drawers. I made laminated sheets to list the alphabet and in sections such as C made individual labels for the many crops in C. Cucumber, cabbage, celeriac, courgette, cauliflower, carrots, calabrese, chard etc.

Very pleased with the purchase so hopefully the mice will not get in, we can find the seeds we want quickly and get rid of the freezer to make more room in the shed.