How time has flown by and it is now October.
The harvest is slowing although still loads to eat.
Tomatoes are still ripening, the remaining green ones will come inside and left on a tray with ripe tomatoes or a banana will soon colour up.
Aubergine have been brilliant this year, even had plenty spare to put on the sales table. We grew 3 varieties this year, the white one, Clara, a long thin one, long purple and the striped one, Listada da Gandia. Cucumbers now over but we had a good crop on the second sowing, the first was very poor.
Also picking sweetcorn, cabbage, beetroot, calabrese and lots of apples.
Autumn colour is very good, I think it is my favourite time of year.

I collected the grapes from this, too small to eat (all pip and skin), but squeezed them and had a lovely grape juice for several mornings breakfast.

Rainbow chard looks great and this time of year and tastes good too!