I came across this plant several years ago and was fascinated by its almost pre-historic appearance. It was growing in large swathes in woodland, wonderful. I wanted some of them.
They are quite expensive but I found one when visiting RHS Wisley , Trillium kurbayashii.
Speckled leaves and lovely maroon flowers.
I decided to plant it in a pot and place the pot under a tree as it dies right down in winter and I did not want to loose this precious plant. It also prefers slightly acidic soil which we do not have.
Over winter the next year a small shoot appeared out of the soil, I covered the pot with chicken wire to stop the pidgins nibbling it and the squirrels from digging it up. The flower spike and leaves came up in February.
It is very slow growing and this year, after 4 years it had 3 flowers.

I think it will be many years (if ever) I get the carpet of Trillium I wished for.
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