November already and we have been busy dodging showers and waiting for the ground to dry a bit.
The garlic and onions we usually plant in October for an early crop are still in the shed waiting for the ground to dry a bit, it has been so wet.
Jobs that have been done over the past month are, bubble wrap one of the unheated green houses. This keeps the space a little warmer and protects some of the tender plants in pots over the winter. Aeonium, one of my favourites, fuchsia, chilli peppers, citrus, canna lily, Cautleya spictata and more Aeonium!
The frosts earlier in the month have blackened the dahlias, so they have been cut down. I am leaving them in the ground so following a suggestion from a friend they are now covered with a sheet of cardboard covered with a good 10cm of home made compost, hopefully this will protect the tubers from this winter’s frosts.
The pond has been tidied by cutting down all the plants and swapping the pump and filter for aeration bubbles to stop the pond freezing and keep the fish safe over winter.
Asparagus, now turning yellow has been cut down and again mulched with compost.
The autumn colours are still lovely with lots of coloured leaves and red berries abound.

Looking forward to a drier November!!
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