Tysoe Walled Kitchen Garden

Welcome to the Tysoe Walled Kitchen Garden website! We are committed to organic gardening. Using the best practices from the Victorian days (i.e. lots of horse manure) and knowledge gleaned from the Ryton Organic Gardens we have set out to tame our Warwickshire clay. It’s all about sustainability, so as well as organic gardening, we’re always looking to better ways to work with our environment.

On this site you can find out about our history and the projects we are working on. You can come visit the garden and learn about organic gardening. Follow our blog to see what’s on our mind in the garden this month.

For the first 8 years all the work was carried out by just the two of us. Now we have help and are passing on our knowledge to students on the WRAGS (Work and Retrain As a Gardener Scheme).

We also find time to be involved with the WOT2Grow Community Orchard in Tysoe and have planted a 3 acre wood close to Tysoe, just over the border in Oxfordshire with a grant from the Woodland Trust.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

February on the radio!

We were contacted by BBC local radio, Coventry and Warwickshire, asking if they could come and talk to us live on the Saturday morning gardening show. A bit scary but we said yes so on February 1st Keith Wedgebury arrived with his microphone. We chatted for about 10 mins waiting for our allotted time, 11.30 pm. As it was a very windy day we started in the green house, moving outside towards the end of the interview.

Keith was very good at asking the right questions to get us talking and the whole thing lasted around 7 minutes.

Later in the day we listened to the programme, the Mollie Green show, on BBC sounds.

We realised there was much more we could have said but we did manage to slip in our National Garden Scheme (NGS) Open Garden on 6th and 7th June this year and also events at our local community Orchard (WOT2Grow) . We are heavily involved in this project and were able to advertise the annual Apple Day, October 10th 2020 and the Wassail January 16th 2021.

Quite an experience, we are now back to working in the garden, it has been even windier this week so we were lucky with the timing of the broadcast.

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We have been growing squash for many years and love cooking with them, especially the butternut type which have a lovely flavour. The proble...