April showers have not reached us here yet only 0.25mm rain so far this month.
The garden keeps moving on and has had lots of attention over the past few weeks so is looking good.
Pear blossom along with the plum and peach are buzzing with bees and the fist apple blossom from the Greensleeves and Belle de Boskoop are now in flower.
I grow something around the base of the old apple trees and on one is white honesty. Looks lovely at this time of year and keeps the weeds off!.

These old apple trees were originally espaliers but over the years the lower arms have died off just leaving the top ones giving the tree a T shape. From this the branches grew up until it was like a row of trees along the T. Since we have been here we have gradually taken these big branches down and now we have a single espalier at about 4 feet from the ground.
The birds have taken advantage of the holes left by the lower arms, blue tits are nesting in it this year.

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